$50 이상 구매 시 전세계 무료 배송
Petego Animal Basics 벨벳 시트 카바


Do you like taking your pets for rides in the car but hate cleaning up the mess when you get home?
Petego Animal Basics Velvet Seat Covers come in 2 sizes to protect your car from all of the dirt, dander, spills, and debris that our furry friends can leave behind sometimes.
The rear seat size is 43'L X 55'W.
The hammock size is 56"L x 55'W and includes a large storage pocket.
Both sizes feature fluffy quilting, seat anchor inserts, and nylon and elastic straps for comfort, ease of installation, and the safety of your pets. They are also made of ultra-soft velvet fabric available in 3 color combinations

  • Black with stone edging
  • Sage with espresso edging
  • Stone with espresso edging
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