$50 이상 구매 시 전세계 무료 배송
넥스가드 스펙트라 스몰 (Nexgard Spectra Small) 3.5 - 7.5 kg 강아지용 - 6개입

Nexgard Spectra는 내부 및 외부 기생충을 예방 및 치료하는 효과가 있습니다.

유통기한 : 10/2025
거의 모든 내외부 기생충을 예방 및 치료하는 신제품으로 1회 급여시 한 달 동안 강아지를 보호합니다.
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질문과 답변 (11)
What is the difference between Nexgard Spectra to Bravecto? do you need both?
Bravecto covers ticks and fleas but NG Spectra covers ticks, fleas and intestinal worms.
My dog lost weight from 8kg to 5.6kg because he was old. Should I buy 'Small' to fit my dog's changed weight?
Yes definitely. If your dog weighs 5.6kg now, you should use the "Small" size.
Hi, My dog is 3.4-3.5kg Maltese+ poodle mixed Should I buy a small or an Xsmall?
You can use either one but X-Small is a more economical option.
Now my dog is 10 months. and 3.1kg. He is still growing up.so,Which product buy small or x-small?
if you think the adult weight is going to be higher than 3.5 you should buy the Nexgard Spectra Small.
My puppy is 17 weeks old (Tiny poodle) and weight only 1 kg, can she take Nexgard Spectra Small instead of using Revolution?
There is Nexgard Spectra X-small for dogs under 3.5 kg. You should use that size if your dog under 3.5 kg.
상품 리뷰 (4)
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매우 좋았습니다! 빠른 배송. 의학에 효과적입니다. 감사합니다.
A. Kim
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J. Gaudet
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yunhee choi
very good!
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