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지나치게 복종하는 개를 돕는 방법

 2014 년 8 월 2 일 jaime에서 |
The key to any good owner-dog relationship rests in the hierarchy of the family pack. Dogs are pack animals and rely upon the guidance of an alpha dog to lead the group. In the absence of a dominant character, your dog may assume this mantle and become aggressive. On the other end of the spectrum, dogs that become too submissive may fall in line and listen, but do so at the cost of emotional health.
Is your dog overly submissive? What are the warning signs you can look for, and more importantly, how can you help your submissive dog regain some confidence? The following tips will help you restore balance in your submissive dog's life and create better emotional stability.
Causes of submissive behavior
당신의 개가 너무 순종적이 될 수있는 수많은 요인들이 있습니다. 제출에 이르게하는 상황 별 트리거 일 수도 있고 항목 또는 개인 일 수도 있습니다. 낯선 사람에 대한 두려움은 복종하는 개에서 공통적 인 문제입니다. 이것은 더 일반적인, 그러나 더 작은 개 유형에 유일하지 않다. 이 품종은 다른 품종에 비해 자연스럽고 수줍음이 적은 노력으로 복종 할 수 있습니다.
Interactions with overly aggressive animals or individuals can also create an extreme state of submission in your dog. Events that trigger this kind of submission include aggressive behavior (growling, showing teeth, etc.) from other dogs or aggressive verbal tones from humans. Physical and verbal abuse from humans can also trigger submission in dogs.
나이는 복종 행동의 또 다른 요소입니다. 개는 나이가 들어감에 따라 상황에 신속하게 대응할 수 없습니다. 이것은 공격적이지 않은 태도를 보여주기 위해 제출의 반사적 행동으로 이어질 수 있습니다.
Signs of an overly submissive dog
There are a number of common signs that show a dog has become too submissive. Many of these signs are noticeable in dogs that are submissive, regardless of the root cause. Whether a dog fears a certain situation or has a fear of people because of physical abuse in its past, the warning signs are the same.
Common warning signs of an overly submissive dog include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • Hiding: An overly submissive dog may choose to hide when faced with a frightening situation. Examples of this include hiding behind you when meeting a new dog, or hiding under furniture in the home when strangers enter the house.
  • Wetting: A common reaction in many submissive dogs is a loss of bladder control. The fear elicited from a certain situation may lead the dog to lose control of its bladder spontaneously. Additionally, when a situation creates fear in a dog it may urinate somewhere it believes it can hide the deed. This action in itself is an attempt to hide the behavior for fear of retaliation for urinating in the home.
  • Body language: Another easily spotted key is body language. Dogs that become too submissive will lower their heads, put their tail between their legs, and/or lie down and try to bury their head as low as possible.
Preventing & coping with submissive behavior
The type of submissive behavior your dog exhibits, and the specific triggers that result in that submission, will determine the course of action you should take to help them cope. For example, a dog with a fear of certain places or situations needs a reward-based approach to cope. Slowly allow your dog to adjust to a new or fearful place by playing with it in that space, offering rewards for good behavior and a playful attitude.
Create personal space in your home to offer your dog a place to call its own. This personal space can serve as a coping mechanism as your dog adjusts to its fears. While it is free to venture out and test the waters around new individuals or other animals, it will know it has its own place in the home to retreat to for relaxation or quiet.
가장 중요한 것은 항상 어린 나이에 다른 동물이나 사람들과 개를 사교적으로 일하는 것입니다. 개가 다른 사람들에게 보내는 시간이 길수록, 처음에는 두려움이 생기지 않을 가능성이 커집니다.
개의 두려움과 제출을 방지하는 것은 신뢰와 자신감에 의지합니다. 개를 새로운 환경에 적응시키고, 두려움을 극복하고, 다른 사람들과 놀 수 있도록 매일 시간을 가져보십시오. 이것은 당신과 당신의 애완 동물 사이에 신뢰를 구축하고, 한때 두려움을 만든 상황과 장소를 해결할 자신감을 제공 할 것입니다.

추천 이미지 크레딧


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Seb07 Jun 2017Reply
Le titre mentionne qu on saura comment aider notre chien soumis. Rien dans l'article m'apprend comment aider mon chien soumis devant les autres chien au parc à chien.

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